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Your Life was Gods Idea

On the early days of my new walk with Christ, I was on a school bus headed to Metanoya church in San Antonio, Texas when I first read about the prophet Jeremiah’s call to ministry. The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you were born I set you apart: I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:4-5 NIV

And in that moment, God’s Spirit confirmed to me that I’d be a minister, and that this was God’s idea long before I was born.

The fact is, God has a purpose for every person he’s ever created.

I love the intimacy of this verse. “Before I formed you…

GOD formed you. The Creator of the universe thought you up and designed you. He intended for you to be you because he thought you were a good idea.

God FORMED you. He designed and crafted you like a master Architect and Artist. He thought of your personality and giftings and your uniqueness. You were his idea.

God formed YOU. Seven billion people live on this planet, and God knows each and every one of them by name, by heart. You are on his mind all the time.

God definitely created you to enjoy a personal relationship with him. He created you to make a significant impact on the world around you. He didn’t have to do so, but he did, because he loves you and he knew you could bring him pleasure and glory.

When you start to wonder if you matter, remember this. Your life was God’s idea. Your life is in his hands. Your life matters to the One who made you uniquely and personally.

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